photo cred Lauren Hathaway
I’m usually off somewhere studying the universe inside myself. It’s way savvier than buying a giant telescope to look out and study the stars. I enjoy being a human being. As humans, we get to experience all the cool perks of humanhood. We have all these nifty built-in features like the ability to spiritually ascend. Perhaps the only sentient beings that can consciously do this. There’s something indescribable about the act of transcending into ‘higher’ states of truth and perpetual bliss. There’s a swelling up and a spilling over of energy , theres a light bath of sustainable comfort, there’s a remembrance and familiarity teeming through your core reminding you of something you already know and respect. I can only describe around it really. The only way to really feel it and know it, is to experience it. Every degree of exposure is meaningful and important. Lets experience the sensation of sinking further into our bodies together and falling deeper into highly conscious states of being through the tantric services I offer.
Naturally, I invested my efforts in tantric meditation, spiritual alchemy, and psycho-active plant medicine. Through years of both active investigation and active stillness, Ive used these modalities to come up with methods of transmitting this tingly sensation of body/mind awareness to others seeking the same thing. Through the magic of conscious tantric body healing.
I’m a life-long student of the great philosophers Jiddu Krishnamurti, George Gurdjieff, and Acharya Rajneesh. I feel their philosophies get close the root of that indescribable thing I was talking about, like a paragraph ago.
In session, I communicate through meditative touch, sensual sensory intuition, energy work, chakra alignment through contact vibration, binaural sound healing, and indigenous forms of catalyzing the release and preservation of your Kundalini energy. I’ve been concentrating in the art of shamanic body healing for over 5 years now as an anthropologist of Ancient Truth. A Warrior of Wisdom, a Priestess of the Planet. Roaming the mystical corners of the earth to try to discover what is true.
If my journey resonates in any way, or doesn’t, come connect with me in this revolutionary dojo for an energetic waltz of discovery, mysticism, sensuality, vulnerability, and love.